It’s June 27th, 2017: 10:50pm.
We did a lot of random things today, but for some reason I feel the need to capture them all:
Woke up for a quick workout, walking & running stairs at the Kansas State Capital Building
Had smoothies for breakfast
Went to work while Carly stayed at home and took care of a few things and had a quiet time.
Met the new RV band director to hand over keys.
Met Carly at Brown’s Shoe Fit to try a couple pairs of sandals.
Went back to work for a few hours until lunchtime.
Had lunch with Carly at Subway.
Headed to SH to pick up my keys to my new classroom and buildings.
Went to Lawrence to buy some sandals, caught up with an old high school acquaintance.
Returned to Topeka and helped sister-in-law clean and organize her belongings.
Grabbed a quick dinner of salad and burritos.
Visited our friends Joe & Shelli to see how their week and new goals are going.
I didn’t anticipate leaving home and doing all of these things, but they were quite fun and quite fulfilling. I was encouraged by my conversations with the new RV director, one of my new bosses at SH, and of course in spending lots of time with my wife and other family and friends.
Truly felt like a refreshing summer day, while getting some good work done. Feeling thankful.
Неllо all, guуѕǃ I know, my meѕsаgе mаy be too ѕpесifіс,
Вut my ѕiѕter fоund nіcе mаn hеre аnd they mаrried, so how аbоut mе?! 🙂
Ι аm 24 yеаrs оld, Маrgаrita, frоm Rоmanіа, Ι knоw Еngliѕh and Gеrman lаnguаges аlso
And… I have spеcifіc dіsеase, namеd nуmрhоmaniа. Ԝhо know what іѕ thіs, саn undеrstаnd mе (bеttеr tо sаy it immedіаtelу)
Аh уеs, Ι coоk vеrу tаstуǃ аnd I lоvе not only cook ;))
Im real girl, nоt рrоstitutе, аnd lооking fоr serіоuѕ and hot rеlаtіonѕhip…
Аnyway, уou cаn find mу prоfilе hеre: