Why I’ll Never Drink Alcohal – Teeth Brushing Philosophy

I’m brushing my teeth and I glance at my almost empty cologne bottle. I wonder if I should keep the last drops, so I can savor the smell for a while. Perhaps in the future I’ll think, “Hey, what did that cologne I used to wear in high school smell like?” and I’ll have a way to remember. I’m brushing my canines and I’m thinking about how the nose is the second most sensitive sense of our five, besides sight, and how it has almost the same priority as sight in the brain. The smell of someone will help you think of him/her just as much, if not more, than a picture of them. That’s beside the point…however my though process continues as I move to my molars.
“But what will happen to the cologne as time wears on? Will it lose it’s intensity or get better? Or does it even matter?” Brushing my gums, I suddenly think of wine, and how people claim it gets better with time. So my though process totally leaves the cologne, and now I’m thinking about wine. “So if wine gets better with time, why would someone ever open a bottle? There isn’t a “Best if used by” date to watch for, so you never really need to drink it. And, hey, why drink it now when it will be better in a few years? Why not have it collect some more dust, and then consider it at my 2010 New Years party?”

You see, this is why wine is absolutely stupid. If something is never going to be it’s best, then I’m going to be stuck waiting for it to bestify. That’s totally dumb. The wine ends up sitting on your rack as a way to brag “This was bottled in 1870, and I can’t wait to try it!”…Though you never will. I move to brushing my front teeth. With wine being so dumb that means that things related to it in it’s nuclear family we call alcohal, must be dumb as well. For example, if some kid grows up to be stupid, it’s probably because his parents were stupid. Smart parents have smart kids. There are only few times when this isn’t true. So, considering this example, I can say that all alcohal is absolutely absurd, because I believe wine is absurd. I finish my brushing with my toung and roof of my mouth.
If everything has the potential to effect everything around it, I can then say that having alcohal anywhere near me will make me stupid. I don’t want to be stupid, so I don’t want alcohal anywhere near me, and I’ll never drink it.
That’s today’s teeth brushing philosophy. Thanks for reading!

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5 Responses to Why I’ll Never Drink Alcohal – Teeth Brushing Philosophy

  1. Heather says:

    Wow- that was randomly insightful. Anyway, as far as smell goes, am I just weird this way, or are other people the same? I can recognize my friends and classrooms simply by their scent. Like right now, I can imagine the scent of my two best friends. You know how you can picture things in your mind? It’s like that, only with smell. I do this also with colors/textures. Am I crazy or are other people like this too?

  2. Maggie says:

    Woot. Alcohol is dumb. Way to go wingerspoon.

  3. Katie says:

    Good philosophy.

    Except that you misspelled “alcohol” and “tongue.” haha sorry. it’s an english thing…

    hey we all missed you today maybe see you next week?

  4. hallie says:

    yeah those mispellings bugged me too..ha ha. good entry tho friend, rather strange way to look at it but i like it all the same

  5. Dagibit says:

    Seriously. People mock others for not drinking alcohol because… I don’t know, it makes you… a man? Not lame? A person who drinks alcohol? A person who doesn’t need to buy alcohol? Pfft. If I can function without it and the dorks who say stupid crap like that, I say it makes me that much stronger. Kinda reminds me about how much people stupidly care about sports, but that’s another story.

    And soda rocks!

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