From English Journal – Entries 1, 2 & 3

1/9/06 – “I hate it when people…”

I hate it when people do one of the following:

  1. Lie
  2. Cheat
  3. Do drugs and/or alcohal

Lieing makes me very unhappy. If someone lies, it is a very long time until I begin to trust them again.

Cheating is something else I can’t stand. Honestly I used to cheat sometimes (last school year) on Spanish I quizzes. One day, I realized, “What good is this doing me? Why do I go home and waste time on video games or the computer? Why don’t I just study? What if my teacher found out?” So…now I despise cheating, and will be the first to let a teacher know it’s happening.

Lastly, I believe the number one dishonorable thing someone can do is get drunk. I have many reasons for think this, that I may share later. Also in line are drugs. I’d rather find happiness without enhancement. Someone that is anywhere near drugs or alcohal does not have my respect.

1/11/06 – Money

Money. Cold hard cash. I think money is okay, but I don’t love it. I don’t think money is evil…just the love of it. Without money, life would be much tougher. Just think, we would be bartering with goods. We wouldn’t be able to carry around wealth as easy.

1/13/06 – Freewrite

Today is Friday the 13th. An end to a very interesting week. I’ve been having issues with a friend, that just happens to sit next to me in this class. Also, the beginning of this week was pretty stressful becuase I wasn’t sure how well I did on my Algebra II compaction.

Last night the drumline performed at White Concert Hall, which was pretty awesome. There was three other drumlines there, and I think we did the best. Out Spirit Night routine has been neat to work on the year, considering I wrote 3/4 of it.

This weekend is a youth even at my church called Miqra (mee*kra) It’s an ervent where the bible is read all the way throuh, non-stop, in one hour shifts, over a span of 72 hours. It’s going to be quite awkward this year, because recently, I’ve been questioning my faith. This is the 5th annual Miqra.

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One Response to From English Journal – Entries 1, 2 & 3

  1. David says:


    1. Heather – January 17, 2006[Edit]

    What is it exactly that you’re questioning, and why are you questioning it? Are you at least searching for answers?
    Why keep going through all of the motions of church, events, etc?

    Why even seek happiness when you can have joy?
    2. Katie B. – January 19, 2006[Edit]

    well i hope it cleared some stuff up for you

    happening is next month….you coming?

    i figured out my schedule for next year. adv eng 10, epic tradition, adv chem, adv algebra 2, world history, broadcast media, soph choir, band, german 2….i really hope i get all of that.

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